In the short amount of time since assuming office, the Trump administration has been under fire for various acts of misconduct. Adding to matters is a recent invasion of privacy lawsuit, which was filed by members of the Democratic party. The suit alleges that members of President Trump’s campaign, as well as advisor Roger J. Stone Jr, conspired to release Democratic emails and files to the public on WikiLeaks. These emails allegedly contained a litany of private information, including personally identifiable information such as dates of birth, social security numbers, home addresses, phone numbers, and banking relationships. It is alleged that the information was gathered illegally, with intelligence agencies stating that Russia was behind the hacks that lead to the public sharing of the sensitive data. It is believed that the files were gathered to cause damage to former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton’s campaign and to encourage the final outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. With the severity of the claims made, and the publicity surrounding this potential case, the resulting judgment would be of monumental precedent.
Invasion of privacy is a serious accusation, that when brought to a court of law, must be supported with evidence that a civil intrusion was committed. It is a complicated legal process that requires a great deal of legal work; something Hutcherson Law attorneys can certainly attest to. President Trump and his team of advisers have denied any involvement with Russia and their alleged hacks, stating that there is no hard evidence of their involvement in the acquisition and spreading of the leaked information.
While invasion of privacy cases are common, a case of this magnitude can have large ripple effects throughout the legal community and potentially change how privacy claims are presided over. An important detail to note is that the leaked emails revealed that Scott Comer, former Democratic financial chief of staff, is gay. As a result, his relationship with his family has become strained, he has received harassing phone calls, and defamatory remarks were made about him online. Additionally, the plaintiff’s claim that publically posting their social security numbers and other personally identifiable information on WikiLeaks will follow them for the rest of their lives as they are now prime candidates for identity theft. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon scenario. Invasion of privacy can devastate a person, both professionally and personally. The attorneys at Hutcherson Law have the experience to help salvage your reputation.